Project 365. 1 photo per day, 365 days.

p365x day 50 250210

| 27 February 2010

p365x day 50 250210, originally uploaded by michael.san.felipe.

Quarter cup of unsweeted chocolate, and half cup of brandy
Then throw in a bag or two of sugar, and just a pinch of vanilla
Grease up the cookiesheet, cos i hate when my balls stick
Then Preheat the oven to 350, and give that spoon a lick
Say everybody have you seen my balls?
They're big and salty and brown
If you ever need a quick Pick me up
Just stick my balls in your mouth...
Suck on my chocolate salty balls
Stick em in your mouth and suck em!
Suck on my Chocolate Salty balls
they're packed full of goodness, high in Fibre
Suck on My balls!

Chocolate Salty Balls - Chef (South Park).


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